It’s no secret that the best way to save on airfare is to have flexible travel dates. Having a departure and arrival window of a few days can make a big difference. Especially when it comes to international travel.

When exactly is it the best time travel in order to save the most? Well, there isn’t one simple answer, but luckily humans have been buying airfare for a long time which means we have access to data, and data equals insight. Below are a few tipsĀ on when and what time to fly in order to save the most amount of money.

What day of the week to travel: If you’re traveling within the U.S., historically the cheapest days to travel are Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. Fridays and Sundays are usually the most expensive days for domestic travel. If you’re traveling outside the U.S. those days can vary depending on your destination, but mid-week flights tend to come in cheaper than weekend flights.

What time of day to travel: As you’d expect, you can save a lot of money by flying during non-peak times. Which is the same as saying, “travel when no one else wants to travel.” Historically the best deals on flights are for overnight flights (red eye), early dawn flights, and flights right around lunch time. Basically, if you’re willing to travel when others aren’t, your wallet will get rewarded.

As we mentioned there isn’t one simple answer that’ll save you money across the board when it comes to travel. But, hopefully this tips will give you a good place to start. Even if you can’t set both your departure and arrival date around the recommended days, having just one leg of your trip fall in one of these days can save you money.

If you’re looking to further maximize your savings on airfare. Download FlyEx, the Peer to Peer travel booking app here and get exclusive access to unpublished fares free of charge.